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Showing posts from December, 2022


  3  words... Less friendly I am, The shyness I have, represents to you, Ignoring I'm. such intentions I don't Have Rather,  I'm the admirer | I'm the follower || The situation; The conditions we have, The only responsible I am. Really SORRY I AM ! Really SORRY I AM ! To date, From the start . . The eyes you have,   The words you have, The behaviour & the gesture you have, Made me think,  Unique & special I'm. Everything Paid a respect; Everything you have. Really  THANKFUL  I am ! Really  THANKFUL  I am ! The moment & The feel  created by you, Honored & Blessed by you. The inner-self in along; believe in KARMA, forcing me to  return;  everything entitled to you. Whenever you're passing by myside, Blessings & Only blessings chants  while a gaze on you. May GOD Bless   YOU  ! May GOD Bless YOU !


THE LIGHT It is the light ! that give the sensation of being special, that warmth internity. It is the light ! that give the best feel, that feel is not easy to reveal. . When that light falls, time begins to crawl, all thing got disappeared, only that light visible at all. BUT Boundaries all around, no control on surround, standing in DARK , incapable for that light around. & You are that Light !